Get Involved


Your donation allows us to advance our work to serve communities.
We have two ways to give:

Give via check

Send your check payable to GO Outreach Foundation to:

GO Outreach Foundation
308 Chester St
Menlo Park, CA 94025

We are also looking for donations of clothes and books. If you have items you’d like to donate, please reach out to us at


We’re looking for passionate volunteers to help us make a difference in our communities through service, outreach, and support for those in need. Join us in making a lasting impact—your time and talents can truly change lives!


We are actively seeking strategic partnerships who share our vision for creating positive, lasting change. By collaborating with us, you can play a key role in advancing our mission and making a tangible difference in ways that truly impact lives.
If you or an organization you belong to are interested, please reach out to us at